
A mid-life returner to art, undertaking a Fine Art degree and career change, Sarah E. Jones works in acrylic, mixed media and multi-media. Thematically she is drawn to landscape, seascape, nature and spirit. Elements of the natural world fuse with spiritual themes, reflecting the way that nature and spirit can be perceived as interconnected. She enjoys creating other realms in her work; mixing elements to make innovative portals to other worlds. As Sarah herself says,

 “Anyone can replicate the seen, but few can translate other worlds and realms, or abstract from reality to create mystical worlds.”

Sarah also has a keen interest in the spiritual, being an intuitive herself (psychic, medium, clairvoyant, claircognisant, clairaudient, clairsentient, healer & an animal communicator), and has for many years spent time in that arena. She is also a certified Spiritual Life Coach and holds a Certificate in Psychic Awareness and Healing. Recently Sarah has brought this part of herself front and centre with her most recent work. Her latest body of work ‘The Spirit Room’ will be exhibited at UCA, Farnham, Surrey in June 2023 and in London (Safehouse Gallery) in July 2023.

To find out more about Sarah's practice, please click on the blog tab above right.

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